
This Day in History April 14…


It was at 11:40 PM on this date in 1912 when one of the most famous events in history took place. In the dark waters of the North Atlantic, a loud call broke the silence─"Iceberg, right ahead!" Soon after, the RMS Titanic hit an iceberg during its first and only trip across the ocean. It was designed by experienced engineers and had all the latest technology at that time. However, nothing could be done to stop the RMS Titanic from sinking. Over 1,500 people died in the incident, most of them freezing to death in the cold water.

◎take place 發生
例:There were no witnesses when the accident took place, so the police dont know exactly what happened.(這場意外發生時沒有目擊者,所以警方不知道到底發生了什麼事。)
◎break the silence 打破寂靜;打破沉默
例:Gina decided to break the silence by telling the police what she knew about the murder.(吉娜決定打破沉默告訴警方她所知道關於該謀殺案的一切。)
◎Soon after, S + V 不久後,……
例:Karen met David at her sisters wedding. Soon after, they began dating.(凱倫在她姊姊的婚禮上認識大衛。不久後,他們就開始交往。)
◎stop sb/sth from + V-ing 阻止某人/某事物做……
例:Bruce tried to stop his son from driving too fast, but his son never listened.(布魯斯試圖阻止他兒子開快車,但他兒子總是充耳不聞。)
正如許多歷史災難一樣,鐵達尼號的沉沒也充滿許多傳說,其中一項出現在船難發生的14年前,美國一位小說家摩根.羅伯遜(Morgan Robertson)在他的小說《徒勞無功》(Futility)中預言了船難的發生。小說中所有細節幾乎與「鐵達尼號事件」一模一樣,例如,小說中的船名叫Titan,而真船的名字為Titanic。因此1912年船難發生後,該小說立即被譽為令人驚異的預言小說,但作者後來卻在家中舉槍自盡,自殺原因不明,更為這起事故增添懸疑色彩。
