
This Day in History April 7…


In AD 79, after Mount Vesuvius erupted, its lava and ash covered cities and killed between 10,000 and 25,000 people. Unfortunately for the people of Naples, Italy, Mount Vesuvius wasnt finished causing trouble. On this date in 1906, Mount Vesuvius erupted with great power once more. Tons of hot lava poured out of the volcano. In fact, it set a record for the most lava to ever come out of Mount Vesuvius. Another major eruption in 1944 reminded everyone how dangerous this volcano can be. When will the next great eruption be? No one knows. We can only hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

歷史上的今天 4月7日…
維蘇威火山(圖,資料照片)是義大利西南方的一座活火山(an active volcano),位於義大利南部那不勒斯灣的東海岸,其形成是非洲板塊和歐亞板塊相互碰撞的結果。這座火山於西元79年曾猛烈噴發,摧毀了當時擁有兩萬多人口的龐貝城(Pompeii),其他幾個濱海城市也遭到波及。龐貝城因此被埋在6公尺深的火山灰下,她的名字和位置慢慢被人遺忘,直到1599年,才被一位建築師發現了她的遺跡,但150多年後,人們才開始挖掘這座古城。1997年,龐貝城考古區被列為世界文化遺產(world culture heritage)。
例:The volcano erupted at midnight, burying the entire town in a thick layer of ash.(火山在半夜爆發,把整座城鎮埋在一層厚厚的灰燼裡。)
◎be finished + V-ing
˙be finished with sth做完某事
例:After Im finished doing the laundry, I can go out with you.(我把衣服洗完後,就可以跟你外出了。)
vi.湧出 & vt. 倒,灌
例:Will you pour me a glass of water?(請幫我倒杯水好嗎?)
