
This Day in History April 6…<歷史上的今天 4月6日…>


Today is a special day in history because it saw both the birth and death of the great painter Raphael. Born in 1483, Raphael was an Italian painter who created graceful and perfect-looking paintings. He was alive during the High Renaissance period of art. His name is often mentioned along with Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci because they were the three major artistic masters of that time. One of Raphaels famous projects was The School of Athens, which was painted in the Vatican for the Pope. Many artists agree that when Raphael died in 1520, so did classic art.


◎graceful a. 優美的,雅緻的
例:The dancers movements were graceful.(這名舞者的動作很優美。)
.perfect-lookinga. 外觀完美的
◎alive a. 活著的
例:Fortunately, the man was found alive after being buried for three days.(所幸,那個被埋了3天的男子被發現時還活著。)
◎Renaissance n. 文藝復興
.the High Renaissance文藝復興全盛時期
◎mention vt. 提起,談到
例:John mentioned something about his new job when I had dinner with him last night.(昨晚我和約翰吃飯時,他談到一些有關他新工作的事。)
◎along with… 以及……;與……一起
例:Our TV was stolen during the burglary, along with all of our jewelry.(我們的電視和所有珠寶都在這起竊盜案中被偷了。)
